Unix Tips - HANDY ONE-LINERS FOR SED (Unix stream ...
DateTime class
Driver Structure - Interrupt Service Routine...
How do I write code that displays button in variou...
What is a const_cast?
far Pointers...
How do far pointers differ from huge pointers?
Considering following code snippet, fun( ) of whic...
How do I write code that allows to create a dynami...
Driver Structure - Deferred Procedure Calls (DPC)
How to check whether a key is pressed in combinati...
Tip 56
Tip 55
Tip 54
Tip 53
Tip 52
Tip 51
Tip 50
Tip 49
Tip 60
Tip 44
Tip 45
Tip 42
Tip 41
Tip 40
Tip 39
Tip 37
Tip 37
Tip 36
Tip 35
Tip 34
Tip 33
Tip 32
Tip 31
Tip 30
Tip 29
Tip 27
Tip 28
Tip 26
Tip 25
Tip 24
Tip 23
Tip 22
Tip 21
Tip 20
Tip 19
Tip 18
Tip 17
Tip 16
Tip 15
Tip 14
Tip 13
Tip 12
Tip 11
Tip 10
Tip 8
Tip 7
Tip 6
Tip 5
Tip 4
Tip 3
Tip 2
Tip 1
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Programming Tips and Tricks
Microsoft .net Tutorial
Deploying .NET Applications - III
Deploying .NET Applications - II
Deploying .NET Applications
What is .NET?
Printing Through .NET
The .NET Framework
Labels: Microsoft .net Tutorial
Unix Tutorial
- An Overview of the UNIX* Operating System
- Unix File System
- What Is System Administration?
- What Is a Shell?
- Unix commands
- Shell Scripting
- commands
- Telnet commands
- VI Unix editor
- Untar a Unix / Linux file
- Unix & Linux folder & file permissions
- Unix / Linux commands
- What's the difference between fork() and vfork()?
- What does fork() do?
- Vi Text Editing
- Unix and Vi
- Running job on Unix server with lowest priority.
- Creating multi font string in Xmotif.
- Mapping of key for vi editor
- Searching for files with different extensions usin...
- When to use XtFree () ?
- Usage of Microsoft Visual Source Safe for Unix-bas...
- Generating dependencies for makefile using a scrip...
- Advanced Unix Commands
- Thread Library and CPU Scheduling
- Sockets Programming
- Endianness - Little and Big Endian
Labels: Unix Tutorial
ATL COM Tutorial ActiveX Template Library and COM
Labels: ActiveX Template Library, ATL, COM, COM Tutorial
Technical Certification
- Oracle certifications
- Software Quality Assurance Certifications
- SIEBEL 7 Consultant Core Certification Exam
- Microsoft Certification Map
- Understand the Sun Certified Java Developer Exam P...
- MCP 70-536 Recent Exam questions
- BASICS OF SAS Certifications
- Certification
- Microsoft
- Oracle
- QA And Testing
- Siebel
- Sun Java
Labels: Certification
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Visual C++ FAQ
Visual C++
Directions for using Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Exp...
Windows Socket Faq's
MFC - Microsoft Foundation Classes, GUI Developmen...
SDI and MDI Applications, Doc/View Architecture
Dialog Based Applications
The workspace, the VC++ IDE, Visual Studio Editor
Sample VC++ Project - Making a Data Viewer
C++ Essentials
Behind the scenes, Handles and Messages
What is COM - Component Object Model ?
Visual Studio 2003 & 2005 Default Keyboard Shortcu...
Using VSS - Visual Source Safe
Clashing for enumerations.
When to use Switch-case statement
Auto Pointer: auto_ptr
Function name mangling for C++ and Java
What is auto_ptr ? Why Call It an "Auto" Pointer?
Variable Arguments in C-C++ with STDARG Library
Process Synchronization
OOAD -Object Oriented Analysis and Design
VC++ Questions
What is a pointer?
MFC - Microsoft Foundation Classes Design Patterns...
Visual C++ Tutorial By Brian Martin
C Puzzles: Questions and Answers
more C Questions
C Questions
Windows Programming Questions
General Programming Interview Questions
Windows Programming Interview Questions
STL- Standard Template Library Question and answer...
C++ Windows, MFC, Win32 Questions
What is Multithreading?
Multi-Threading in Windows
Threading Questions and Answers
Multithreading and Synchronization in Win32 applic...
What is a Message Loop ?
What is the Message Queue
What is a Message?
The Window Procedure ( wndproc)
The Windows Message Loop
Multi-threading basics
Debugging Windows applications (Win32 applications...
C, C++ Mixed Questions with answers and explanatio...
C Frequently Asked Questions
C Interview Questions and Answers I
Miscellaneous VC++, Windows Questions
OOAD Interview Questions and Answers
Write a function that reverses the order of the wo...
Remove Specified Characters from string.
Write an efficient function to find the first nonr...
Write a function that determines the number of 1 b...
Big-endian or Little-endian :Important Write a fun...
Explain the difference between an interface and an...
What is the difference between list and vector?
What's the difference between aggregation and cont...
Calculating the Size of an Incomplete Array An inc...
What is the size of an Empty Class, Class with vir...
How to Compile and build Visual Studio (Visual C++...
Explain Customized control development? What is su...
How to debug an exe( application) which is launche...
What is Serialization ? Explain in detail.
When is the OnIdle function called? how we can cal...
What Is an ActiveX Control?
What is a Function Pointer ?
Explain Splitter Window ?
What is duplicating handle ?
Explain Condition's for deadlock occurrence?
19. What is a multi-threaded apartment (MTA)? Sing...
What is Message Reflection ? How could you accompl...
What is CArchive class does?
Explain the difference between the following... pu...
How many problems can you spot in the following cl...
What is difference between GetWindowRect and GetCl...
What is thread and process in windows ?
Explain Windows Handle?
What is Message Maps ?
Explain Pipes for IPC
Explain RPC for IPC
Explain Windows Sockets for IPC
Explain Mailslot for IPC
Using a File Mapping for IPC
Explain DDE for IPC
Using Data Copy for IPC
Using COM for IPC
Explain ClipBoard -IPC.
Explain IPC - Interprocess communication.
Explain the flow of a simple win32 based applicati...
Explain DEBUG_NEW or what is the use of DEBUG_NEW ...
Explain Property, Property page and Property sheet...
Explain dialog data exchange (DDX) and dialog dat...
What is assertion?
Explain application framework Or framework?
What is an ActiveX control?
What is Zero Administration for Windows?
Name two characteristics of an ActiveX control des...
You have created a licensed ActiveX control and ha...
What are two common ways ActiveX controls are lice...
What is the main advantage ATL offers over MFC whe...
Name three modes of application deployment.
Must ActiveX controls be registered on a system be...
What is the purpose of the InstallShield tool?
What are cabinet files and registry files?
What are the two stages of deployment?
What is regression testing?
What information is contained in the four lists th...
What is a dependency?
What utility does Visual C ++ provide for running ...
How does a debugger cause a running program to int...
Describe MFC's ASSERT, VERIFY, and DEBUG_NEW macro...
How does a debug version of a program differ from ...
Name two ways in which a COM server communicates a...
What is an HRESULT?
What is Structured Exception Handling?
How do ISAPI server extensions and ISAPI filters d...
How do you specify the default function for an ISA...
How do you specify which menu commands of the Acti...
How can you save changes to ActiveX documents depl...
How does the Microsoft Scriptlet C omponent handle...
In an ATL HTML control, how do you define methods ...
What is the preferred method of creating a Web bro...
What situations are best suited to using MFC to im...
How does an object derived from CComControl handle...
What is a connection point?
What is the purpose of the DDP functions, and wher...
How do you implement property persistence for an M...
What are the advantages and disadvantages of COM c...
What is the purpose of the second argument to CoCr...
How does a _com_ptr_t object help you control the ...
What kind of class represents a C OM interface in ...
How are the keywords interface, coclass, and libra...
What is an object map and how is it used?
What is a COM map and how is it used?
Describe the features provided by the templated ba...
Describe the features provided by the templated ba...
What issues must you consider when implementing an...
What are the implications of declaring your C OM o...
What is a type library, and how is it used?
How do you implement standard marshaling?
What are the differences among in-process, local, ...
What is a GUID, and what role does it play in COM?...
What is a C OM interface?
Which property of the ADO Data control is used to ...
With which ADO object is the Errors collection ass...
What does the CRecordset::GetDefaultConnect() func...
You need to open a CRecordset object so that you c...
What is wrong with the following SQL statement? S...
What does the default implementation of the Serial...
Where do the MFC profile management classes WriteP...
Which registry key should be used to store applica...
How can you connect an ADO application to an ODBC ...
What steps are necessary to make a class serializa...
What kind of exception is thrown by the CFile::Ope...
How do you open a file in text mode?
How do you create a hyperlink in a Help project .r...
How are Help context IDs specified in a Help proje...
What is the difference between a CCriticalSection ...
What kinds of threads must be created by using a C...
Which function associates a drawing tool object wi...
Which two functions are used to specify coordinate...
How do you make controls unavailable in a dialog b...
How is the DoDataExchange() function called? How d...
You have created a dialog box template using the d...
How would you make an edit control in a dialog box...
What is the recommended way to update a status bar...
How can you dynamically change the text of a menu ...
How do you implement ToolTip text for your toolbar...
How do you ensure that the client area of your app...
Which MFC class encapsulates GDI drawing functions...
What is the function of a document template object...
Name four categories of Windows messages that can ...
What type of classes can implement message maps?
Which member function of which MFC class implement...
Why would you use an MFC extension DLL?
What services are provided by the CObject class?
When developing an MFC application, under what cir...
What can you set on the C/C++ tab of the Project S...
What project configurations are created for you au...
What kind of data can you access through an OLE DB...
You are writing an MFC application that will allow...
What are some of the benefits that MFC offers to d...
How would you declare a string which could be used...
What is the Message Compiler and when would it be ...
What is the difference between implicit and explic...
Name five IPC mechanisms supported by Window XP. W...
What is a GUID and where is it used?
When should an application call _beginthread rathe...
How would you start a new thread?
How would you find the brushes or fonts used by th...
Describe MFC's ASSERT, VERIFY, and DEBUG_NEW macro...
What is an HRESULT?
What is Structured Exception Handling?
What is regression testing?
What is the main advantage ATL offers over MFC whe...
Name two characteristics of an ActiveX control des...
What are some of the benefits that MFC offers to d...
Explain Visual C++ Project types.
Compare ATL vs. MFC
The Benefits and Drawbacks of MFC
19. What is a multi-threaded apartment (MTA)? Sing...
19. What is a multi-threaded apartment (MTA)? Sing...
26. What is __declspec(novtable)? Why would you ne...
Explain Synchronization with Mutex, Events, Semaph...
Explain WaitForSingleObject() & WaitforMultipleOb...
Explain multi-threading..
What are the advantages of polymorphism and dynami...
What is the purpose of inheritance?
What is the purpose of composition?
Explain use of Private Inheritance
Dfference between delete and delete[]
the Differences Between static_cast and reinterpre...
the Difference Between Postfix and Prefix Operator...
If you have a union consisting of integer (4 bytes...
What's the difference between aggregation and cont...
What is the difference between list and vector?
What is the difference between class template and ...
What are the advantages of templates in C++?
• Why might you need exception handling be used in...
• What are the advantage and disadvantage of using...
What’s the difference between COM and DCOM?
10. What’s the difference, if any, between OLE and...
What is a moniker ?
8. C is aggregated by B, which in turn aggregated ...
7. What is aggregation? How can we get an interfac...
What the limitations of CoCreateInstance?
5. What happens when client calls CoCreateInstance...
4. How can would you create an instance of the obj...
3. What should QueryInterface functions do if requ...
2. What are the purposes of AddRef, Release and Qu...
1. What is IUnknown? What methods are provided by ...
How to make sure that a file is not included more ...
Explain GetMessage(), PeekMessage(), SendMessage()...
What is threading ?
Understanding the Difference Between Postfix and P...
Invoking a Function Through a fuction Pointer
What is a NaN?
What are the advantages of using DLL's? What are ...
What should you be aware of if you design a progra...
What is the effective way of DIB files management
How to handle command line arguements from simple ...
What is CArchive class does?
what is the use of AFX_MANAGE_STATE ?
What Is CMutex ?
Explain the program flow for a MFC based applicati...
Explain the flow for a simple win32 based applicat...
What is the entry point for window based applicati...
What You Should Include in a Header File
How to Killi an Object Prematurely..
Explain Virtual Destructors
Explain Polymorphism and Flavors of Polymorphism.....
Explain using static class member ..
Explain keyword friend...
Explain Mutable Object Member or data member
Explain Calling an object's member function from i...
explain Static member function
When is virtual inheritance needed?
IsA or HasA?
Why qsort is Still Useful in C++
What is Early Binding and Dynamic Binding?
What is the disadvantage of a template function?
Can we declare a static function as virtual?
: Are there any new intrinsic (built-in) data type...
What problem does the namespace feature solve?
Describe run-time type identification
What is the Standard Template Library?
What is an explicit constructor?
What is a mutable member?
How do I sort a range in descending order instead ...
Why is STL Container list<>::size() linear time?
How I can make sure that a single instance of my a...
What types of threads are supported by MFC ? How t...
What is a DLL or Dynamic Link Library?
Difference between Debug and Release versions?
How do I get all the views in an MDI app?
What is placement new?
Define a way other than using the keyword inline t...
Will the inline function be compiled as the inline...
Describe the main characteristics of static functi...
What is name mangling?
What is slicing?
What is a smart pointer?
What is an opaque pointer?
Differentiate between a deep copy and a shallow co...
When can you tell that a memory leak will occur?
What is an orthogonal base class?
What is a node class?
Name the operators that cannot be overloaded.
What do you mean by Stack unwinding?
What is class invariant?
What is a Null object?
What is an adaptor class or Wrapper class?
Differentiate between the message and method.
What is a dangling pointer?
What is an incomplete type?
What is an Iterator class?
What is the use of ‘using’ declaration.
What is a namespace ?
When does a name clash occur?
Differentiate between a template class and class t...
What is an accessor?
What is a modifier?
When is a template a better solution than a base c...
Explain the ISA and HASA class relationships. How ...
What is a virtual destructor?
When should you use multiple inheritance?
What is a conversion constructor?
What is a default constructor?
What is your reaction to this line of code? delete...
How does throwing and catching exceptions differ f...
How many ways are there to initialize an int with ...
What are the differences between a C++ struct and ...
Explain the scope resolution operator.
How do you link a C++ program to C functions?
What is the difference between critical section, m...
What is document-view architecture? Give me one re...
Name few classes in MFC which are not derived from...
Explain modal and modeless dialog box ? what is th...
Explain pointer to the constant and constant point...
What is a DLL ? What are different dll's supported...
Que What is an overloaded assignment operator ? Wh...
What is a copy constructor ?What is the need for i...
Que What is the use of CCmdTarget? Explain Command...
What is the use of SendMessage() and PostMessage()...
What is the top base class for MFC Framework? If I...
Labels: Microsoft Visual C++
Data structures & Algorithms concepts and implementation
Q: Write a program base on user inputs wich perfor...
Data Structures Using C
What is a data structure?
Very Large Files - External Sorting
Trees Comparison
Skip Lists
Red-Black Trees
Binary Search Trees
Dictionaries & Hash Tables
Sorting Algorithms Comparison
Shell Sort
Insertion Sort
Timing Estimates
Linked Lists
Binary Search
Sequential Search
Searching and sorting
Binary Trees
Conversion Of Expressions Prefix/Postfix/Infix Not...
Linked List
Self Referential Data Structure
The Queue Abstract Data Type
Binary Trees
Data Structures Questions
Data Structures FAQ's
Program to sort list of elements using quick sort....
Program to sort list of elements using heap sort.
Program to show operations in binary tree.
Program to show breadth first search in graph.
Program to show depth first search in graph.
Program to compute shortest path using dijkstras ...
Program to compute mimimum spanning tree using pr...
Basic Data Structure Interview Questions And Answe...
Data Structure aptitude questions.
Source code for converting an Interger into String...
Source code for reversing a string.( charecter by ...
Source code for converting a string to an integer ...
Reversing words from a string( containin more than...
Source code for reversing a singly linked list.
Source code for Finding a Cycle in a singly linked...
Telephone Words
Combinations of a String using recursion.
Permutations of a String using recursion.
Binary Search using recursion.
What is Recursion ? Explain in detail.
Searching M th Element from the end of Linked List...
Fabonnacci Heap Cascade-Cut
Fabonacci heap Cut
Fibonacci Heap Consolidate
Heap Binomial-Link
Heap Extract-Maximum
Heap Insert
Compute-Prefix (P)
Brute-Force-String Matching
Binary Tree Search
Postorder Tree traversal
Inorder Traversal
Pre Order Traversal
Bucket Sort
Radix sort
Quick Sort
Circular Queues- Deletion of item from circular qu...
Circular Queues- Insertion of item into circular q...
Queues - Deletion of item from queue
Queues - Inserting item into queue
Queues- Is Full - check if queue is full
Queues - Is Exmpty Queue function
Queues - Create Queue function
Floyd-Warshal algorithm for all pairs of shortest ...
Function Bellman-Ford algorithm for shortes path
Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path
Prims Algorithm for minimum spanning tree.
Kruskal Algorithm for Minimum Spanning tree
DFS- Depth First Search
BFS- Breadth First Search
Sequential Search
Towers of Hanoi problem
Fibonacci Series
Bubble sort
Merge Sort
Selection Sort
Insertion Sort
Binary Search in Circular Sorted Array. How can we...
What are the advantages of linked lists?
Write an Optimized Binary Search algorithm.
Write an Optimized Binary Search algorithm.
What is a spanning Tree?
25. What are the types of Collision Resolution Tec...
Sort the given values using Quick Sort? 65 70 75...
8. Convert the expression ((A + B) * C – (D – E) ...
Traverese tree in PostOrder
Check if a binary tree is a binary search tree
Technique for Swapping Two Integers Without Using ...
write an O(log2(N)) algorithm to find X^N
Classis Factorial problem & Solution..
Append Element at the end of the Linked List...
Insert element at head position into Linked List.....
Removing Duplecate nodes from a linked list..
How to build an expression trees ?
Explain Sparse Matrix...
What is a priority queue?
What is garbage collection?
Explain Hashing..
Explain AVL Trees.
Explain Radix Sort.
Explain Comparison Trees...
Explain Polish Notation.
Classify the Hashing Functions based on the variou...
What is the data structures used to perform recurs...
Minimum number of queues needed to implement the p...
If you are using C language to implement the heter...
What is a spanning Tree?
Given a binary search tree and a "target" value, s...
Given a binary search tree and a "target" value, s...
Generate a Mirror Image of a tree. Change a tree s...
finding Nth Node in linked list..
Source code for Binary search method
Deletion of linked list
Inserting element into linked list
Reversing a linked list
Labels: Algorithm, Data Structure
Learn how to program in Visual C++ - VC++
- Guide to Using the Visual C++ Debugger
Removing a program from your project
Compiling and Running Your Visual C++ 6.0 Project
Creating a new program in an existing visual C++ p...
Starting up visual C++ 6.0 after you have used it ...
Visual C++ Tutorial & Basic Concepts
Creating a C++ Program in Microsoft Visual Studio ...
CObject Class
Transperent Edit Box
Owner Drawn Combo Box
Creatin Directory Tree Control With Check Boxes
Priting List View Control Items
Sorting Items Listed in the List Control
Using Drag And Drop on Tree List Control
Adding Controls To List Control
Implementing String Class in C++
OpenGl - Drawing Colored Cube
Creating Screen Saver using OpenGL
VC++ Programming with OpenGl
Implementing windows Drag and Drop functionanlity
A Memory Game
Attaching menu items to the system menu
How Windows uses colors?
Printing a Text file
Tip of the day implementation
Simple MDI app
Opening differnt types of documents in an MDI appl...
Enumerating Network Resources
Balloon Tooltip
Creating and closing threads programmatically
Displaying icon in the system tray
A simple splitter window example
Creating a simple screen saver
A program that runs only for limited hours
A simple printing application
Palette Demo
Displaying mouse coordinates in status bar
Ownerdrawn Menu with Colored Linest
Recognizing which Shift/Toggle key is Pressed
Browser Application
Creating Cliparts
Rotating Text
File Properties
Implicit/Explicit Linking
Regular DLL
Full Disk Information
Talking Calculator
Interacting With Excel Spreadsheet- Using ODBC
Creating a Non-Rectangular Button
Multiple Clients Chat Application - I
C Programming Tutorial
Win32 Tutorial
Elementary Database Management
ActiveX Data Object
Labels: Microsoft Visual C++, Tutorial, VC++
Friday, December 19, 2008
C++ Articles
- String Class Implementation
- Namespaces
- The `fork()' system call
- Classes for input operations
- Classes for output operations
- Memory Leaks
- C++ Templates
- What is a copy constructor ? What is the differenc...
- C++ Objective Questions
- Interview Questions
- C++ - Templates FAQ's
- Smart Pointers
- Basic C++ Interview Questions And Answers
- C++ Source code for Different C++ and OOPS Concept...
- More C++ Questions and answers
- C++ Questions
- C++ Interview Questions And Answers I
- C++ FAQ's
- C/C++ - Concepts & General Questions
Labels: C++