Monday, February 23, 2009

Data Structures Interview Questions And Answers

Data Structures Electronics...... Networks.... MICRO Processors Operating Systems
Data Strucutres
Linked Lists Binary Trees Expression Converstion's Infix To Postfix Infix To Prefix Postfix To Prefix Postfix To Infix Postfix Expression Evaluation
Linked List Binary Trees Arrays
Stacks Queues Graphs Searching Methods Sorting Methods

Source Code for Tree Traversal

Source Code for String Reversing

Maintaining An Ascending Ordered Linked List

Reversing A Linked List

Maintaining A Doubly Linked List

Merging Of Linked Lists

Linked List Using Recursion

Binary search...Linear Search

Quick Sort Heap Sort Selection Sort Bubble Sort Radix Sort Shell Sort

Reversing a linked list. Solutions...
Sorted Insertion of a node into linked list. Solution...
Deletion of node from linked list. Solution...
Finding Nth element in a Linked List. Solution...
Binary search method. Solution... Generate mirror image tree of given tree. Solution...
Data Strucutres Tutorials
Linked Lists
Binary Trees
Expression Converstion's
Infix To Postfix
Infix To Prefix
Postfix To Prefix
Postfix To Infix
Postfix Expression Evaluation

Data StructuresArrays is a data structure that is uesd more than any other data structure , They are simple to use but have typical problems leading to serious issues.More...

Linked List
Binary Trees
Searching Methods
Sorting Methods
Pre-Order Traversal. Solutions...
In-Order Traversal. Solution...
Post-Order Traversal. Solution...
Reversal of a Binary Tree. Solution...
Binary search method. Solution...
Generate mirror image tree of given tree. Solution...
Reversing a linked list. Solutions...
Sorted Insertion of a node into linked list. Solution...
Deletion of node from linked list. Solution...
Finding Nth element in a Linked List. Solution...
Binary search method. Solution...
Generate mirror image tree of given tree. Solution...


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